
Michael Close • Portrait Sketch

Original price was: $700.00.Current price is: $375.00.

Portrait Sketch – an original Ink on paper by noted artist Michael Close

Art Item ID: 12600



Portrait Sketch


Michael Close

4.75″H x 3.5″W
Ink on paper

Portrait Sketch an Ink on paper painting by Michael Close

Signed and Stamped
Original Painting

Excellent Condition

The recent works by Michael Close makes use of some of the oldest signs on earth: the triangle, the zigzag, the wave, three parallel lines, the chevron and the circle. They carry prehistoric echoes.
The human face and partial figures intertwine with other associative forms in a glorious spectrum of red, green, blue, white and black lines. Through these lines time appears to flow, colours beget new colours, images beget new images. We are reminded of artefacts found in ancient cultures throughout the world.
Symbolism is just another facet of the artistic expression revealed in these works. Male and female, good and evil, the sacred and the profane, reflect the duality, which exists in nature. These come to life in symmetries and rhythms going back to primordial time.
Michael Close will have had over 50 solo art shows as well as numerous group art shows to his credit. In 1995, Michael Close, with his solo art show, opened the National Gallery of the Solomon Islands. He has also shown work in Belgium, Germany, Spain, Romania, Ukraine, Slovenia, European Parliament (Strasbourg) etc. He is a graduate of the Ontario College of Art (and Design) and has also worked as a scenic artist and art director for film, television and theatre and has worked on such shows as “Three Men and a Baby” and “T and T”. In 2001 he had a series of shows Macedonia and Bulgaria. Michael Close has often donated his work to help charities and to also express support for other worthy causes.

Portrait Sketch an Ink on paper painting by Michael Close

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